AT Device to Meet Annual Goal:
How will the Food Choice Picture Board Help Meet the Annual Goal?
Stephen, a four year old with pervasive developmental disorder, has been placed in an early childhood classroom. While he is able to understand and comprehend when spoken to, he is unable to communicate his needs consistently. It has been shown that children with significant disabilities require direct and systematic instruction to learn that their deliberate actions can achieve desired results. Several AT devices will be necessary for Stephen to meet his goals and understand the cause and effect relationship resulting from intentional communication. The Food Choice Picture Board will provide Stephen with a means to communicate food choice at home and in school. Using the Food Choice Picture Board, Stephen can point to at least three of six foods he wants to eat for two of three meals each day. By simplifying food choice and providing a visual option for Stephen to communicate his preferences, the Food Choice Picture Board will serve as a low-tech AT device which will help meet his IEP Annual Goal.
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